P&G Tremor Success Story
Inbound Email Analysis and Reporting

Interactive®: Customer Care™
Interactive®: Intelligence™
Over half a million inbound mail since January.
Company Overview: P&G Tremor is the market research/influence arm of Cincinnati based packaged goods giant The Procter & Gamble Company. It specializes in spreading awareness on products and services to the teens and getting feedback from them. Tremor leverages the age-old word of mouth communication process by making it more effective and scalable by using proven techniques. It works through its member network, chosen from the more vocal and dynamic members of the local teen community. These members act as the bridge between Tremor’s clients and the local teen community, they help in creating awareness on the client’s brands and eliciting customer feedback.
Before Interactive: Tremor was receiving a high volume of email from its target audience the teens from all over the country. These mails contained vital information on tastes, perceptions and preferences of youth on products and services used by them. This feedback if analyzed and interpreted accurately could be very relevant in formulating sales and marketing strategy and also to the R&D and New Product Development team to understand the changing preferences and bring about relevant changes to the product.This feedback however was not available in a Q&A format but in the form of general observations, made in a casual and conversational manner. Tremor felt the need for an email management solution to analyze and interpret these mails in order to provide accurate feedback to its clients.
The Interactive Deployment: Tremor members, CSRs and the Tremor corporate office operated from different locations and were separated by time and distance, making Interactive’s universally accessible web-based solutions a preferred choice. Interactive analyzed the requirement of Tremor and suggested deployment of Customer Care (CC) solution with Business Intelligence (BI). Interactive’s proprietary BI tool Xiva™ helped Tremor in interpreting the hidden meaning in these mails by analyzing them on multiple parameters. The powerful routing mechanism in CC helped in directing these mails to the relevant departments helping them to hear what the customers had to say, respond to them without delay, improve quality of service and keep the dialog going.
After Interactive: Interactive’s powerful Spam filters helped in keeping out unwanted mail. Customer its well-researched customer relationship management tool helped in routing the large bound incoming mail to the relevant department. This helped in prompt response to these mails helping to maintain the much-needed dialog with them.BI its proprietary business intelligence tool helped in analyzing the hidden message in these mails for an accurate interpretation of youth perceptions, changing tastes etc. A better understanding of youth preferences in multiple parameters enabled Tremor to give a better feedback to its customers and CC combination helped Tremor in understanding teen tastes and preferences better. Tremor was able to give accurate feedback to its clients on what teens felt about their product/service adding value to its service.